You don't' always have the time and space to make a good cardio workout.
The treadmills in your fitness center come with a waiting list and
outside is too cold for exercising. What remains as a good option is to
take the jump rope. Although very few are those who will offer you the
rope as a training option, the jump rope certainly stands side by side
with any other cardio exercise.
Indoors, in the yard in front of your house, the jump rope will give you the freedom in your workout that you desire so much. Athletes of the caliber of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Chang and many others in their careers remained faithful to the jump rope in their conditional training.
Why choosing the jump rope?
Because 10 minutes of workout with jump rope at a pace of 120 jumps per minute will burn the same number of calories as 30 minute jogging. If lack of time is your issue, then try it. It's excellent as a warm-up exercise if you work on power or speed training, plyometric jumps or if you are simply getting ready for a basketball play, and at the same time you want to use it as an aid for stretching.
If we make a list of comparisons between different training equipment and aids, the jump rope will be the winner in the categories: practicality, effectiveness and cost.
If you
like the idea of the jump rope, being your "good morning" exercise, be
sure that you will achieve excellent coordination of the body, great
balance (one leg jumps), speed and agility and what's most important ,
it will be much easier for your cardio vascular system to accept each
new challenge.
* Stand on the middle section of the rope and pull the ends up, if you touch your armpits then that length is the one that suits you the most.
* Always use the front part of your foot as a contact surface. Short training of 10 minutes
* Jump in place with both legs: 3 x 30 sec. with a break of 15 sec. and pause between series 30 sec. *Jump with both legs sideways: 3 x 30 sec. with a break of 15 sec. and pause between series 30 sec. *Jump with legs apart (Ali Shuffle) 3 x 30 sec. with a break of 15 seconds and pause between series 30 sec.
* Jump on one leg (the other is with hip flexion) 3 x 5 sec. with each leg, 10 sec. break
* Jump on one leg laterally (the other is with hip flexion) 3 x 5 sec. with each leg, 10 sec. break
*Jump with both feet 2 x 10 repetitions
Indoors, in the yard in front of your house, the jump rope will give you the freedom in your workout that you desire so much. Athletes of the caliber of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Chang and many others in their careers remained faithful to the jump rope in their conditional training.
Why choosing the jump rope?
Because 10 minutes of workout with jump rope at a pace of 120 jumps per minute will burn the same number of calories as 30 minute jogging. If lack of time is your issue, then try it. It's excellent as a warm-up exercise if you work on power or speed training, plyometric jumps or if you are simply getting ready for a basketball play, and at the same time you want to use it as an aid for stretching.
If we make a list of comparisons between different training equipment and aids, the jump rope will be the winner in the categories: practicality, effectiveness and cost.
* Stand on the middle section of the rope and pull the ends up, if you touch your armpits then that length is the one that suits you the most.
* Always use the front part of your foot as a contact surface. Short training of 10 minutes
* Jump in place with both legs: 3 x 30 sec. with a break of 15 sec. and pause between series 30 sec. *Jump with both legs sideways: 3 x 30 sec. with a break of 15 sec. and pause between series 30 sec. *Jump with legs apart (Ali Shuffle) 3 x 30 sec. with a break of 15 seconds and pause between series 30 sec.
* Jump on one leg (the other is with hip flexion) 3 x 5 sec. with each leg, 10 sec. break
* Jump on one leg laterally (the other is with hip flexion) 3 x 5 sec. with each leg, 10 sec. break
*Jump with both feet 2 x 10 repetitions
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