Lose the droopy booty and get the perfectly toned posterior with this 10-minute firm butt workout.
Target: back and legs
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet facing forwards
and hands stretched out in front. Lower yourself by bending your knees
as if you were preparing to sit down on a chair. Go down as far as feels
comfortable, aiming to get your thighs parallel to the floor. Slowly
rise up to the starting position and repeat 8 to 10 times.
- Keep your back straight and look forwards.
- Keep weight equal between toes and heels.
- Don’t let your knees extend over your toes.
Side-lying leg raise
Target: buttocks and lower back
Lie on your right side with your right knee bent at 90 degrees and
your left leg straight and in line with your back. Press your left
fingers into the top of your buttock to keep your left hip slightly
tilting forward. Raise your left leg as far as you can without letting
your hips tilt back. Slowly lower to starting position. Perform 8 to 10
times and repeat on the other side.
- Raise your leg, keeping it in line with your back.
- Feel your buttock muscles contracting as you raise your leg.
- Keep your abdominal muscles contracted throughout exercise.
Target: buttocks and lower back
Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels close to your bottom.
Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor. Raise
your hips to create a straight line from knees to shoulders. As you come
up, tighten your abdominals and buttocks. Lower yourself gently to the
starting position and repeat 8 to 10 times.
- Don’t let your knees point outwards.
- Keep your chin slightly tucked in.
- Contract your buttocks not your hamstrings as you rise.
One-leg kickbacks
Target: buttocks and lower back
Place yourself on your hands and knees – knees under hips and hands
under shoulders. Keeping your right leg bent at 90 degrees, raise your
knee as high as you can by squeezing your buttocks. Lower to the
starting position and repeat 8 to 10 times with each leg.
- Keep your neck long and shoulders back.
- Don’t arch your back as you raise your leg.
- For more of a challenge, perform the raise with a straight leg.
Target: legs and buttocks
Standing tall with your feet together, take a step forward with your
right leg. Slowly bend the knees until both legs are nearly at right
angles. Your right knee should not extend over your toes and your left
knee should not touch the floor. Push back up to the starting position.
Repeat 8 to 10 times before switching legs.
- Keep your back straight and look straight ahead.
- Don’t let your front knee extend over your toes.
- Keep your abdominals contracted during exercise.
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