Sunday, August 4, 2013

Home remedies for kidney stones

Why kidney stones are formed?

Kidney stones are common in premature infants.Exact cause could be depends on the type of stone.Some types are family history of kidney stones.
Urine contain substances which lead to form small crystals become into stones it will take 2 to 3 weeks to form a stone.
The most common stones are calcium stones which are formed due to high in vitamin c,spinach etc.......
there is no need of too much explanation about how it will formed because it depends mostly on family hierarchy.


You don't have any symptoms until the stone will get down to ureter.when this happen you can find some symptoms.
  • urine flow from kidney will be decrease.(because stone will stop the urine flow from the kidneys)
  • main recognized symptom is pain will come suddenly and go away.
  • The pain may move to the inner part of the body(thigh joining part)
  • urine color may change
  • blood in urine
  • unpleasant cold
  • vomiting sensation


Drink water 8 to 10 glasses(mineral water) everyday it will reduce the calcium and uric acid  from the urine.the color of urine will become normal,it will reduce the size of stone.mineral water is preferable it is free of sediments.


In the lemon juice citric acid is present, due to this citric acid the calcium based stones are broke down and it helps to stop further growth of this calcium stones.It is prefer to take 2 to 3 glasses of lemon juice daily due to this the volume of urination gets increase and it is good for those who having kidney stones.


Kidney beans are very preferable for kidney stones and bladder problems.simply remove the seed from the pods and put in water stir it for hours  until the pod  become soft.drink it several times in a day  to get relief from the pain.At the same time it also can be mixed in soups and salads for the better taste.


 Both the juice and seeds of pomegranate helps in reducing blood lose due to which kidney stones are threatened well.try to eat one pomegranate daily or drink freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.This remedy will help in dissolving small stones in kidney.


Watermelon juice is very good for health and mainly for those who are suffering with kidney stones.the potassium present in  watermelon helps in maintaining the healthy kidneys.Along with potassium watermelon also have highest percentage of water which helps in flushing out the kidney stones through ureter tube. watermelon helps in maintaining or regulating the required acids in urine.


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